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Ibutamoren is a non-peptide growth hormone (GH) secretagogue that mimics the GH stimulating action of the hormone ghrelin. Ibutamoren has clinically demonstrated the ability to increase endogenous release of GH as well as insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) without the adverse increase of prolactin or cortisol often seen with GHRPs.
How does MK677 increase Growth Hormone release?
Ibutamoren mimicks the action of the hormone ghrelin and binds to ghrelin receptors (GHSR) in the hypothalamus. The activated GHSR receptors signal the anterior pituitary to increase the amplitude and frequency of growth hormone release pulses.
MK677 is utilized by patients for its ability to both increase lean muscle, bone density, and promote overall growth and recovery from exercise.
MK677 / Ibutamoren Benefits
Increase Lean body mass
Increase bone density through increasing calcium retention and mineralization of bone.
Accelerate healing and recovery from activity/exercise/injury.
Increase energy and vitality
Increase sexual performance and desire
Improved mental clarity (improved memory, decrease depression)
Improve sleep quality by promoting non-REM slow wave sleep
Enhanced immune system function
Improved skin health and elasticity
Strengthen the heart and all organ systems
Increase protein synthesis
Increase IGF-1 production
MK677 / Ibutamoren Administration
25mg oral capsule / 1 x daily
MK677 / Ibutamoren risks and side effects
Increase in appetite
Transient edema and fluid retention
Transient joint and muscle pain
Elevated fasting blood glucose
MK677 and Sermorelin: The ultimate HGH stack
MK677 and Sermorelin can be administered in combination to stimulate natural human growth hormone production and release. Since MK677 stimulates HGH release via ghrelin pathways and Sermorelin stimulates HGH production via GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone) pathways they can work synergistically to optimize HGH levels.
MK677 can be used in conjunction with following treatments:
BHRT, TRT, Sermorelin, and HCG.
Other Peptide Therapies: BPC157 / AOD9604 / KPV / TB500 / Tesofensine
Individual results vary. Best results obtained with combination of a healthy diet and lifestyle . These products nor the ingredients have been approved or endorsed by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Homeopathic products have not been reviewed by the FDA for safety and effectiveness to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or conditions. These are compounded for human use by a US 503A compounding pharmacy that provides these on patient-specific use as a dietary supplement. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program. Products not recommended if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

Research and References
1. Svensson J, Lönn L, Jansson JO, et al. Two-month treatment of obese subjects with the oral growth hormone (GH) secretagogue MK-677 increases GH secretion, fat-free mass, and energy expenditure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998;83(2):362-9.
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19. Copinschi G, Leproult R, Van onderbergen A, et al. Prolonged oral treatment with MK-677, a novel growth hormone secretagogue, improves sleep quality in man. Neuroendocrinology. 1997;66(4):278-86.
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