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LENS Neurofeedback

Age Management of West Michigan

Integrative Medicine

Conventional, Functional, and Anti-Aging Regenerative Medicine located in Grand Rapids, MI.
Dr. Shahnaz Ali            Dr. Piyush Bhatnagar

Brain Diagram

LENS is an FDA approved treatment for Brain Relaxation and Regulation

FREE Initial LENS Session ($125 value)
January 15th thru January 31st

What is LENS?

  • LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System) is an FDA 501K approved form of neurofeedback to stimulate brain relaxation and self-regulation.

  • Utilizes Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) to directly stimulate the reorganization of brain network patterns to increase cognitive function, strengthen stress resilience, and restore brain plasticity.

  • LENS stimulates the brain out of maladaptive patterns to restore balanced brain-wave activity, reorganize neural networks, and increase brain plasticity

  • Faster results. Results with LENS are seen within 12 to 16 sessions, compared to traditional biofeedback where 30 to 40 sessions are needed.

  • No retraining activities. Weekly treatment sessions range around 20 minutes, which makes it great for children.

  • EEG Brain Mapping to monitor positive changes in brain-wave amplitudes and neuroplasticity.

  • Long-term results for both adults and children with over 85% success rate

EEG Brain Mapping monitors positive changes
in brain-wave amplitudes and neuroplasticity

LENS stimulates the brain out of disorganized, low-functioning patterns…

Brain Map

To restore balanced patterns for optimal cognitive performance!

A natural, non-medication approach that effectively treats a variety of symptoms for all ages


ADD & ADHD / Focus
Learning Disorders / ASD


Anxiety / Depression / Memory

Sleep Disorder

Concussion PTSD TBI

Sleep Disorders Migraines
Chronic Pain

Schedule your FREE consultation
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